# GoldED Reference Manual
# $Id: gold_ref.txt,v 1.8 2006/05/19 19:29:58 stas_degteff Exp $
#manualfile GOLDREF.TXT
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Ú¿ ³³ GoldED+ 1.0.0
Reference Manual
Program and manual written by
Odinn Sorensen, Dirk A. Mueller and others
Copyright (C) 1990-1999 by Odinn Sorensen
#heading ______________________________________________________________________
#heading ______________________________________________________________________
#footer ______________________________________________________________________
#footer GoldED Reference, Page
#chapter Table of Contents
#tocline ......................................................................
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#chapter Commandline Reference
Commandline syntax: GOLDED [options] [keystacking]
Available options:
Displays a help screen with all available commandline options.
Specifies another configuration file than the default GOLDED.CFG.
Disable old configuration keywords. For backward compatibility,
GoldED still supports a number of old names for some configuration
keywords. I recommend that you use -D sometimes and rename the
keywords that are reported as unknown.
If specified, GoldED starts directly in the specified echo,
bypassing the arealist screen. See the AREASTART configuration
keyword for more info.
Calls the SOUP packet export feature during the startup phase.
This is the same as starting it from the areascan SOUP
Packet->Export menu item. The SOUP export happens immediately
after the regular startup area scanning (if that is enabled) and
after SOUP import.
Force recompile of most configuration files, but not all. Does not
recompile the .CHS files.
Force complete recompile of all configuration files, regardless of
whether they are up-to-date or not. This is equivalent to deleting
all the *.GE? files.
-H Same as option -?.
Start the quick install procedure. You should give a path to your
other mail software if it cannot be found using environment
variables or in current directory.
Please see the INSTALL.TXT document for information about the
quick install procedure.
Calls the SOUP packet import feature during the startup phase.
This is the same as starting it from the areascan SOUP
Packet->Import menu item. The SOUP import happens immediately
after the regular startup area scanning (if that is enabled).
Mute. Disables all sounds in GoldED.
No share. If used, this prevents GoldED from using SHARE
compatible file-open calls, which are used by default. Works only
until the SHAREMODE keyword is used in GOLDED.CFG. This keyword is
normally not useful, but may be used to debug your setup or
Disable the automatic startup area scanning (if that is enabled).
This is useful for automated SOUP import/export in a batch file.
For example "-noscan -importsoup @x y" imports SOUP then exits.
Since it seems that increasing the thread priority for the Win32
version is a mixed blessing, the default is now to NOT increase
the priority. This option increases the priority (Win32 only).
Quiet. Turns off verbose config compile. On by default. This could
be used on the commandline to disable a -V(erbose) option in the
GEDCMD environment variable.
Sort all areas according to . See the AREALISTSORT
config keyword for details.
Set the timeout value. A value of zero (0) means never timeout.
See the TIMEOUT config keyword for details.
Turns on verbose config compile. When used, GoldED will display
the full filename of each main config file it compiles. It also
displays the name of the detected multitasker, if any. This can be
useful for debugging your setup, and see if GoldED accesses the
files (especially the AREAFILE's) it is supposed to.
Same as -V, but also displays all the active lines while
compiling. This could be used to find the exact spot if it crashes
or stops while compiling.
If used, GoldED will create (and overwrite if existing) the file
GOLDAREA.INC, which will then contain all areas in the AREADEF
form, sorted by your AREALISTSORT specification. This is very
useful for converting your AREAFILE's to a form you can edit with
your favorite text editor and use in GoldED. It is also useful if
you have used the new AREADESC keyword or the AREAFILE EchoList
reader. The GOLDAREA.INC file (created in the GOLDPATH) can be
used by adding "INCLUDE GOLDAREA.INC" to your GOLDED.CFG or
GOLDAREA.CFG. When creating the file, GoldED will use '.' if an
aka is the same as the main aka, and leave out the optional origin
if it's the same as the first ORIGIN in your GOLDED.CFG. This
makes it easier to share the same GOLDAREA.INC between different
-X Reserved for debugging purposes.
-Y Reserved for debugging purposes.
-Z Reserved for debugging purposes.
Commandline keystacking
Any non-option characters on the commandline are stuffed into the
keyboard buffer. See the chapter on keyboard definition and the
KEYBSTACK keyword for more info.
Example: GOLDED @S A
Makes GoldED go to the area scanning menu , and select
scanning of all areas.
See the Macros and Keystacking chapter for more info.
#chapter Environment Variables
These are the GoldED specific environment variables:
Path to the GOLDED.CFG file. It is recommended to set this
variable, but don't forget to change it if you move your GoldED
setup to a different directory!
Specifies additional commandline options. Use this if you want to
specify options, but need to run GoldED without them (for example
when renaming GOLDED.EXE to DBEDIT.EXE in older versions of
D'Bridge). You can override the environment options with
commandline options.
The path where GoldNODE can find a GOLDED.CFG to use.
When the using AREAFILE feature to read external area configuration
from other programs, the individual AREAFILE's may use specific
environment variables to find the files. Please read the Area
Configuration chapter for specific details of each supported AREAFILE.
#chapter Batchfile Errorlevels
For operation in batch files, GoldED has a set of errorlevel values:
032 or higher Error exit (check the logfile for details).
004 Echomail entered.
002 Netmail entered.
001 Local mail entered.
000 No errors. No mail entered.
Add values together to find the combined error levels. For example,
error level 6 is returned if netmail and echomail (2+4) was entered.
=== Cut ===
@echo off
rem ged386.exe
rem ged2.exe
if errorlevel 008 goto error
if errorlevel 007 goto e_n_l
if errorlevel 006 goto e_n__
if errorlevel 005 goto e___l
if errorlevel 004 goto e____
if errorlevel 003 goto __n_l
if errorlevel 002 goto __n__
if errorlevel 001 goto ____l
goto nomail
echo golded error exit!
goto end
echo **** New echo, net and local mail entered.
goto end
echo **** New echo and netmail entered.
goto end
echo **** New echo and local mail entered.
goto end
echo **** New echomail entered.
goto end
echo **** New net and local mail entered.
goto end
echo **** New netmail entered.
goto end
echo **** New local mail entered.
goto end
echo **** No new mail entered.
echo Thank you for using GoldED! :-)
=== Cut ===
#chapter Nodelist and Userlist Support
GoldED supports the FrontDoor, Version 7(+) nodelist indexes as well
as a plain FIDOUSER.LST. However, if you run software that doesn't use
any of these formats, you may want to use GoldED's own nodelist index.
This chapter describes how to do that.
In order to enable nodelist/userlist lookup and browsing, GoldED needs
to use a set of special nodelist index files, created by the GoldNODE
nodelist compiler.
GoldED normally uses and displays information from the nodelist when
browsing, but it doesn't really need the nodelist for anything. The
index files contains sufficient information for lookup and browsing of
names or addresses. This means that you can delete or pack away the
nodelists and/or userlists after compiling with GoldNODE, if you want
to save space and you don't need them for anything else.
GoldNODE commandline syntax:
GOLDNODE/GN386/GN2 [-options] [configfile]
Available options:
-C Conditional compile.
-D Remove duplicate nodes from index.
-F Forced compile.
-Q Quite compiled. No screen output improves speed.
-S Set the max size of names. Normally not used.
-U Create sorted FIDOUSER.LST userlist file.
The following options are only interpreted by DOS real mode version:
-M Compile max nodes (maximum is 65500).
-ND Enable DISK usage.
-NE Disable EMS usage.
-NX Disable XMS usage.
The [configfile] is the path AND filename of the GOLDED.CFG
configuration file to read. If no filename is given, the path
specified with the GOLDNODE or GOLDED environment variables are used.
The nodelist index files are named GOLDNODE.GX? are are placed in the
path pointed to by the NODEPATH keyword.
The V7+ is automatically used if your NODEPATHV7 is set correctly. If
GoldED shows "xxxx / NODEX.DTP" at the bottom of the browser window,
the displayed information is taken from the raw nodelist entry, taken
from the V7+ index.
GoldNODE can handle up to 45 nodelists and 10 userlists. GoldNODE can
read the german POINTS24-format directly!
NOTE: If you use the EXCLUDENODES and INCLUDENODES keywords, please
note that the does NOT accept "ALL" or "WORLD" etc. You
must use wildcard '*' instead.
#chapter Configuration Control
The GOLDED.CFG configuration reader can be directed in several ways
with special keywords:
ELSEIF (same as ELIF)
These control keywords can be used to setup sections of
configuration which enable different sets of keywords depending on
which version that is used.
The following conditions can be used:
dos true, if GoldED/DOS or GoldED/386 is used
386 true, if GoldED/386 is used
os2 true, if GoldED/2 is used
w32 true, if GoldED/W32 is used
linux, unix true, if GoldED/Lnx is used
firebird true, if GoldED 3.xx is used
asa true, if GoldED-asa is used
yes, true, on always true
EDITOR c:\qedit\os2\q.exe @file -n@line
EDITSPELLCHECK c:\os2\cmd.exe /c c:\ss\ss.exe @file
EDITOR c:\qedit\dos\q.exe @file -n@line
EDITSPELLCHECK c:\ss\ss.exe @file
If both IF 386 and IF DOS are used, it is important to put DOS as
the bottom choice.
This tells the configuration file reader to ignore all subsequent
lines until another IGNORE keyword is encountered. Useful for
testing and quickly switching portions of configuration.
However it is probably more useful to use the IF/ELIF/ENDIF
control keywords.
This tells the configuration file reader to stop reading the
current .CFG file, and start reading the as an extra
configuration file, then resume reading the previous .CFG. The
INCLUDE filenames are stored and their timestamps are checked when
GoldED is started. INCLUDE files can be nested without limit.
Signifies a REMark (comment) line. The line is ignored.
Any non-alphabetic non-whitespace character at the beginning of a line
makes the line a comment. Example:
; This is a comment
% This is a comment
* This is a comment
// This is a comment
/* This is a comment */
By tradition, the semicolon is the standard comment character. The
semicolon (and only that) can also be used to add a comment at the end
of a configuration line. Example:
ADDRESS 2:236/77 ; Main address.
AKA 2:236/77.1 ; SysOp point.
#chapter Configuration Keyword Reference
This is an alphabetical list of all the configuration keywords that
can be used in the main GoldED configuration file (GOLDED.CFG and any
file included from it). It also lists and documents the keywords that
are specific to the Random System groups.
The following special symbols are used in the keyword parameter lists:
() Default value.
[] Optional parameter.
<> Required parameter, not optional.
"" Parameter must be inclosed in quotes ("").
/ Separates mutually exclusive values.
, Separates possible values for the keyword.
Here is the complete keyword list:
Your network address, FidoNet-style. More than one address can be
specified if you are member of more than one network. The keywords
ADDRESS and AKA can be used interchangeably.
If a pointnet is specified with a point address, GoldED will use
the so-called "3D" addressing method in netmail msgs, otherwise
the "4D" method is used. The 3D method works by putting the
address ZONE:POINTNET/POINT.0 in the msg header, instead of the 4D
format ZONE:NET/NODE.POINT. Most modern mailers and mail
processors now supports the 4D format, but if you are a point, you
should always consult your Boss about which format to use.
The optional @domain part can be used to specify a "fifth"
dimension to the 4D address. It is normally not necessary to
specify a domain. Domains are never shown in the header and are
not put in the origin line. The only place the domain is
used/added by GoldED is in the MSGID kludge.
Address 2:236/77 ; Node address
Address 2:236/77.1 ; Point address (4D)
Address 2:236/77.1, 16077 ; Point address (3D)
Address 2:236/77@fidonet ; Node address with domain
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
Setting this keyword to "always" means that GoldED will always add
unknown addressees to the addressbook when writing new or quoted
mails automatically. If you set the value to "yes", GoldED will
add them only if it's a netmail/email. ADDRESSBOOKADD NO disables
this feature entirely.
NOTE that GoldED won't add unknown users if their name match one
of the following criteria:
1) it's a USERNAME
2) it's a ROBOTNAME
3) it's the WHOTO
4) address/aka is unknown
By default address of sender taken from Origin line. If this
keyword set to MsgID then GoldEd looks for correct FTN address in
MSGID kludge first.
ADDRESSMACRO ,,[,"subject"][,attribs]
Defines a short name for often used addresses. Typical uses are
for AreaFix/AreaMgr, your uplink, boss, points or others you write
to often. To use a defined address macro, you just type it in the
To: name field.
If (and ONLY if) the subject is enclosed in quotes ("" or ''),
GoldED will look for message attributes after the subject. See the
Message Attributes Reference for a valid attribute. You cannot
have quotes within quotes (not the same type anyway).
The attribues are *added* to the ones already there, they do *not*
replace them.
afup,AreaFix,2:236/512,"password -q -l",K/S
odin,Odinn Sorensen,2:236/77,GoldED - What else? :-)
A special format is supported for UUCP or INTERNET gateways. The
special format is indicated with a (@) as the first character in
the .
In the first example, GoldED will put "UUCP" (the default gateway
name) in the TO: msg header field and "To: fallesen@diku.dk" on
the first line of the message text.
In the second example, GoldED will put "INTERNET" in the TO:
field, and "To: david@csource.oz.au" in the message. The forward
slash (/) separates the gateway name from the receiver address.
Any gateway name may be used.
The address macros can also be specified in an external file, like
the NAMES.FD file supported by the FrontDoor mailer/editor and
Maximus BBS. See the keyword NAMESFILE for details. However, you
should not use the syntax with the attributes in the NAMES.FD
file, because FrontDoor and Maximus do not know this syntax.
The path where you keep your AdeptXBBS.
By default GoldED will use the first record in the userfile and
lastreads. If you are not the first user in the userfile, or are
sharing the messagebase with other GoldED users, you must either
set this keyword to -1, or use a different number for each user.
Each user must be defined in the userbase.
AKA (Also Known As) is an alias for the ADDRESS keyword.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
This is an enhancement of the existing aka matching logic, which
in some circumstances fails to find the correct aka.
Example: Lets say that zone 21, 22 and 23 are part of the same
network, and that you have an aka in zone 22. You would put
something like this in your setup:
ADDRESS 2:236/77
AKA 22:33/44
In this case, if a mail comes in from zone 23, the normal aka
matching logic would fail, because it does not try to guess the
correct zone. To the rescue comes the new keyword. Now you can add
this to your setup:
AKAMATCH 21:*/*.* 22:33/44
AKAMATCH 23:*/*.* 22:33/44
It tells GoldED that any mail from zone 21 or 23 matches your zone
22 aka. Note the use of wildcards here. Wildcards are not strictly
necessary, you could also have just written "23:" or "23:*".
When an address does not match any AKAMATCH definition, the normal
aka matching logic takes over.
If enabled, GoldED will attempt to match one of your akas to the
address of the person you are replying to in echomail areas.
Normally it is not desirable to enable aka matching in echomail,
because some echoes may be restricted to members of one particular
network, and an accidental wrong aka matching may attract unwanted
attention from the moderator or the compulsive flamers :-)
This keyword is only valid in Random System groups. When used, it
you may have.
If enabled, GoldED will attempt to match one of your akas to the
address of the person you are replying to in local areas.
It doesn't really make sense to do aka matching in local areas.
The keyword is just there for completeness.
If enabled, GoldED will attempt to match one of your akas to the
address of the person you are replying to in netmail areas. This
is especially useful if you are a member in more than one network,
and therefore have more than one address.
APP [keyword and/or parameters]
This is a way for other programs to place configuration data in
GoldED's configuration file.
For example, if a program named "OtherProg" wants to read its
configuration from GOLDED.CFG, here is how it might look:
APP OtherProg REGKEY xyaxajlsaduoiweqeq
APP OtherProg IRQ 5
GoldED itself will ignore APP lines just like REM lines.
AREA <"desc"> [type] [akano] [attrs]
This keyword defines a mail area in GoldED. You need to define at
least one mail area to run GoldED, or use the AREAFILE keyword to
read the area setup of your mailer, mail processor or BBS.
Mail area identifier.
<"desc"> Area description in ("") quotes.
O(Opus *.MSG), S(FTS-0001 *.MSG), Q(QuickBBS),
R(RemoteAccess), H(Hudson), M(Squish), J(JAM),
E(Ezycom), G(Goldbase), P(PCBoard).
[type] N(Netmail), E(Echomail), L(Local).
Directory path/file or Hudson board number.
[aka] AKA number (starting from 0)
[attrs] R/O(Read-Only), and/or other attributes.
"O(Opus)" are *.MSG files with binary date/time stamps.
"S(FTS-0001)" are *.MSG files, but with zone/point header fields.
"Q(QuickBBS)", "R(RemoteAccess)" and "H(Hudson) are synonyms.
"M(Squish)" is the Squish format.
"E(Ezycom)" is the Ezycom format.
"J(JAM) is the JAM format.
"G(Goldbase)" is the Goldbase format.
"P(PCBoard)" is the PCBoard format.
"X(AdeptXBBS)" is the AdeptXBBS format.
"W(WildCat!)" is the WildCat! 4.x format.
GoldED can handle enviroment variables correctly in paths
specified in connection with this keyword. For example, if a path
is defined as %MAIL%\path\name, and SET MAIL=C:\POINT is in
AUTOEXEC.BAT (or whatever), then GoldED translates the path to
NOTE: The translation is done at config compile time, so if you
change the environment variable and haven't changed anything else
that would cause GoldED to recompile it's config, you must force
it with the -F or -FF command parameter.
It is recommended to use the newer AREADEF keyword, which allows
more detailed mail area setup.
AREAAUTOID (verbose)
Defines how an automatically created echoid should look, when
AREAFILE finds an area without an echoid.
When the "verbose" option is used, the echoid is given a name
similar to the function of the area, such as NETMAIL, NET_SENT,
When the "long" option is used, the echoids are numbered
sequentially like this: NETMAILxxx, ECHOMAILxxx and LOCALxxx. This
is how it worked in older versions (including 2.42.gamma).
When the "short" option is used, the echoids are numbered
sequentially like this: NETxxx, ECHOxxx and LOCALxxx. This is how
it worked in 2.50.beta until B1016.
If enabled, GoldED will automatically jump to the first marked
area in the arealist on startup, and the next marked area after
exiting from an area you have been reading.
If enabled, GoldED will set all skipped messages to "read" when
using AREAcatchup in the arealist-screen. This implies that
HIGHLIGHTUNREAD YES is used, otherwise it has no function.
If enabled, GoldED will insert the control line
"AREA:" at the top of each message that is copied
or moved. This can be a help when regularly copying messages to a
"THE_SAFE" type area.
This keyword can and should only be used in Random System Groups.
It is useful if you copy echomails to some local "ARCHIVE" areas.
In this case, GoldED can add the "AREA:"-kludge to
inform you from where you copied the mail to.
If enabled, the destination area selection list is bypassed,
thereby making possible a "seamless" copy/move to the default
destination area. The destination area should be set with
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
NOTE: It is probably not a good idea to enable this keyword
Sets the default area for the Copy/Move functions. Typically you
could set it to a "safe/permanent storage" type of area, for
example a JOKES2KEEP or THE_SAFE area. Note that the Forward
function uses the AREAREPLYTO area instead.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
This is newer version of the "AREA" keyword, with more detailed
The full syntax is: (must be all on one line)
AREADEF <"desc">
<(attrs)> ["origin"]
The echoid.
<"desc"> Area description in quotes.
Groupid uppercase letter (A-Z) or 0 if not in a
group. Use #groupnumber to specify group numbers in
the 1-999 range. Example: #117.
Net, Echo, Local, EMail or News.
Opus, FTS1, Hudson, Squish, Ezycom, JAM, Goldbase or
Area path, boardnumber or base filename.
Aka address for the area, or '.' for main aka.
<(attrs)> Default attributes in brackets ().
["origin"] Optional default origin in quotes.
This looks a lot like the AREA keyword. Additional parameters are
the , the verbose and , the fully specified
address, the brackets for the attributes and the optional
Note the possibility of using '.' to specify the main aka. This,
and the optional default origin, makes it simpler to create a
common INCLUDE'able area configuration for several setups with
different addresses, for example two people sharing the same
GoldED can handle enviroment variables correctly in paths
specified in connection with this keyword. For example, if a path
is defined as %MAIL%\path\name, and SET MAIL=C:\POINT is in
AUTOEXEC.BAT (or whatever), then GoldED translates the path to
NOTE: The translation is done at config compile time, so if you
change the environment variable and haven't changed anything else
that would cause GoldED to recompile it's config, you must force
it with the -F or -FF command parameter.
AREADESC <"desc"> [group] [aka] [(attrs)] ["origin"]
Adds a description and optionally a group letter, aka, attributes
and origin to an _existing_ (previously defined) area. This is
useful if you use an AREAFILE that does not contain descriptions,
groups, akas, attributes or origins.
The echoid.
<"desc"> Area description in quotes.
[group] Optional groupid letter (A-Z) or 0 if not in a group,
or #groupnumber (1-999) or '-' to keep the existing
[aka] Optional aka address for the area, or '.' for main
aka, or '-' to keep the existing aka.
[(attrs)] Optional default attributes in brackets (), '-' to
keep the existing attributes. Note that if they are
specified, they are _added_ to the default
net/echo/local attributes.
["origin"] Optional default origin in quotes.
NOTE: You cannot skip any of the optional parts in the middle,
even if you only want to set, say, an origin. Use '-' to keep the
existing value for the parts you skip.
With this keyword, you can define the echoids of areas which
should be ignored by GoldED (thereby leaving them out of the
arealist). This is normally used in connection with AREAFILE, to
exclude areas you are not interested in reading. DOS/4DOS-style
wildcards (* and ?) can be used in the echoid mask.
AREAEXCL * Excludes all areas.
AREAEXCL *INTER* Excludes all areas containing "INTER" anywhere
in the echoid.
AREAEXCL INT*.* Excludes all areas beginning with "INT" and
containing a '.' anywhere in the echoid.
You can use the AREAINCL keyword to re-include areas which have
been excluded with AREAEXCL.
NOTE: This keyword must be placed before any AREA, AREADEF or
AREAFILE keyword.
AREAFILE [path/file] [switches]
GoldED can read the area setup of many popular mailers, mail
processors and BBS'es, thereby making it much easier and simpler
to configure GoldED for the mail areas you receive, by eliminating
the need to write AREA lines for all or most of your areas.
Name of the program.
[path/file] Filename or path to the area setup files.
[switches] Msgbase specific switches.
For most programs, GoldED can automatically find the path or
filename using environment variables. By default, GoldED will look
for the area setup files in the AREAPATH.
There are switches for sorting the areas, and for turning off an
update-check when GoldED starts up.
GoldED can handle enviroment variables correctly in paths
specified in connection with this keyword. For example, if a path
is defined as %MAIL%\path\name, and SET MAIL=C:\POINT is in
AUTOEXEC.BAT (or whatever), then GoldED translates the path to
NOTE: The translation is done at config compile time, so if you
change the environment variable and haven't changed anything else
that would cause GoldED to recompile it's config, you must force
it with the -F or -FF command parameter.
This keyword is explained in greater detail in the Area
Configuration chapter.
In some AREAFILE setups, you can groups the areas using single
letters (A-Z) or numbers (#1-999). If this keyword is enabled,
GoldED will use the area groupid instead of the area echoid when
gathering area specific information from the Random System.
If this keyword is enabled, you should setup matching GROUP's in
GOLDRAND.CFG. See the Random System chapter for details.
If enabled, the destination area selection list is bypassed,
thereby making possible a "seamless" file request in the default
destination area. The destination area should be set with
TIP: If you (like most) only have one mailer netmail area, you
should enable the AREAFREQDIRECT keyword globally for
simpler file requests.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
NOTE: It is probably not a good idea to enable this keyword
AREAFREQTO (first netmail area)
Sets the default area for the filerequest function. You should set
this to the netmail area where you normally put the filerequest
Note that if AREAFREQTO is not specified, it defaults to the first
netmail area found.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
With this keyword, you can define the echoids of areas which
should be re-included by GoldED, if they have been excluded with
the AREAEXCL keyword. DOS/4DOS-style wildcards (* and ?) can be
used in the echoid mask.
AREAINCL * Includes all areas.
AREAINCL *INTER* Includes all areas containing "INTER" anywhere
in the echoid.
AREAINCL INT*.* Includes all areas beginning with "INT" and
containing a '.' anywhere in the echoid.
You can use the AREAINCL keyword to re-include areas which have
been excluded with AREAEXCL.
NOTE: This keyword must be placed before any AREA, AREADEF or
AREAFILE keyword.
For Internet e-mail areas. See AREAISNEWS for details.
Wildcards * and ? are allowed. These keywords are designed to mark
areas which are read from an AREAFILE as Internet e-mail or
newsgroups. This may be necessary in some cases to enable the
Internet specific features without having to manually define all
Internet areas. Examples:
AREAISNEWS alt.*, rec.*, sci.*
If enabled, GoldED will write the file GOLDLAST.LST in the
GOLDPATH at exit and read it back when run next time. The contents
of the file is a list of lastread information for each area as it
was at last scan.
This feature is helpful when you know that there have not been
tossed new mail and don't want to wait for a full msgbase scan.
Now you can just hit ESC at the startup screen to abort the area
scan and GoldED will put up the lastread info from the previous
It also makes the "new mail since last scan" feature even better,
because the new mail marker now shows which areas that have new
mail since last session even when scanning areas at startup.
In addition, GoldED now makes extra backups of the file, so that
earlier versions of the files can be found in GOLDLAST.BK1 and
GoldED now only writes the GOLDLAST.LST file at exit if it
survived the initial startup scan.
Allows you to specify a fixed or dynamically sized width of the
EchoID column in the arealist.
If a negative value is specified, the width will be the that of
the widest echoid in the arealist plus the negative value. This
might be useful if some long-name echoes have uninteresting ends,
such as "VERYLONGECHOID_R23.PUB" (could benefit from a of
-7). There is currently no provision for long echoids with common
The arealist can dynamically resize the EchoID and Description
columns, so that long echoids are not cut off. The sizing of the
EchoID column is done against the Description column, which
thereby looses or gains width. In version 2.41 and earlier, the
EchoID column width was fixed at 13 chars on 80 column displays.
The arealist column layout is configurable. This keyword allows you
to change the layout to whatever you like
The default is:
This produces the usual layout. Here is another:
This one puts the echoid in front and eliminates the area numbers.
The letters stand for the following:
letter meaning default width
A Area number 4
M Marked 1
D Description Dynamic
C Number of messages 6
P Personal mail mark ('+') 1
U Number of unread/new messages 6
N Changed since last scan mark ('*') 1
G Groupid Dynamic: 0, 1 or 3
You can also specify widths if you don't like the defaults:
In this example, the Msgs and New columns are put back to the size
they had in "old days".
If you leave out a letter, that column will not be shown.
Use only the defined letters. Use spaces to specify required space
between columns. Use only positive numbers for widths. Failure to
obey these rules may cause undocumented behaviour.
If enabled, the arealist screen will display the groupid letters,
if any, in a column to the right of the EchoID column. If a
groupid is not a letter in the range A-Z (a value in the range
#65-#90), the groupid is not shown.
If enabled, GoldED will display the board numbers of Hudson areas
in the arealist instead of the default sequential numbers.
Enables or disables a pagebar (scrollbar) in the arealist.
AREALISTSCAN <"L menu text"> [path] [-delete]]
This keyword allows you to define additional menu items for the
arealist scanning menus (Alt-S or Alt-P).
The first two characters of the menu text are the "hotkey" letter
that will be highlighted in the menu text, plus a space.
The filename specifies a plain text file, with the echoids
(wildcards allowed) of the areas you want to scan when the menu
item is selected. There can be several echoids on each line in the
file. If no path is given, the file is loaded from the GOLDPATH.
The -delete option will cause GoldED to delete the list file after
scanning the areas in it. For example, if your mail processor
generates a list of the areas that it tossed new mail to, you
could add the list as a menu item on the scanning menu and use it
to scan only those areas with new mail. Note that some mail
processors automatically delete their list after using it for
replylinking. You may want to do some creative stuff with
batchfiles to grab a copy.
=== Cut, NEWSGRPS.LST ===
REC.*, SOC.*, SCI.*, TALK.*
=== Cut ===
=== Cut from an import batchfile ===
gecho mgr toss pack -tossbad
if exist import.jam type import.jam >>import.all
if exist import.hmb type import.hmb >>import.all
if exist import.sdm type import.sdm >>import.all
mbutil link -clean
=== Cut ===
This keyword defines how the area list should be sorted. You can
override the default setting from the commandline with the -S
The can be composed of the following types:
A Sort by aka.
B Sort by board number.
D Sort by description.
E Sort by echoid.
F Sorts all "fuzzy search" matches first.
G Sort by group (if any).
M Sorts all marked areas first.
O Sort by original order.
P Sort by personal mail.
T Sort by type (in the order net, echo, local).
U Sort by unread messages (try it!).
X Sort by msgbase type.
Y Sorts all areas with "new" mail first.
Z Sort by msgbase path.
- Descending sort (largest first).
+ Ascending sort (smallest first) (default).
In practice 'M' and 'Y' will usually give the same result, because
GoldED automatically marks scanned areas if they contain new mail.
This sorts ascending by Type, descending by Unread (that is, areas
with the most unread messages comes first) and ascending by Echoid
(in case two areas have the same number of unread msgs).
By default no sorting is done, and all areas are listed in the
order they were found (unless sorting was specified with an
AREAFILE keyword). However, the configuration examples all make
use of the Unread sorting type. This is a very useful way of
sorting areas, because it keeps all the areas with mail together.
Personally I now sort my areas like this: "AREALISTSORT FYTUE".
This puts all areas with new mail first, then sorts these into
type (net/echo/local), then into number of new msgs and finally
into echoid. The 'F' at the start enables fuzzy match sorting,
which is very handy when looking for an echoid containing a
particular word. Let's say I want a list of all GOLDED echoes. I
can now simply type "GOLDED" and then the arealist automatically
sorts itself so that all echoes with an echoid containing "GOLDED"
comes first :-)
The 'X' sort type sorts areas according to msgbase type, in the
following order:
The 'X' and 'Z' sort types were implemented for internal use, to
optimize area scanning speed. When scanning areas, GoldED starts
by sorting the arealist using the sortspec defined with the
Defines the contents of the 4th column (the one after the "Total"
New Displays the amount of new (unread) msgs.
Last Displays the number of the last msg read.
If you use the AREAFILE keyword, GoldED might need to know where
the area setup files are located. This keyword specifies where
they are found, if not current directory.
NOTE: Most AREAFILE types can find the path using the environment
variable(s) specific for the program(s). Such environment
variables (or a path specified with the AREAFILE definition)
always overrides the AREAPATH.
This keyword defines areas which will be automatically scanned for
personal mail when starting GoldED. DOS/4DOS-style wildcards (*
and ?) can be used in the echoid mask.
AREAPMSCAN * Scan all areas.
AREAPMSCAN *INTER* Scan all areas containing "INTER" anywhere
in the echoid.
AREAPMSCAN INT*.* Scan all areas beginning with "INT" and
containing a '.' anywhere in the echoid.
It is recommended to have an "AREAPMSCAN *" to scan all areas at
startup. If you don't want to wait for the scan to complete, you
can abort the scan by pressing ESC during startup.
With this keyword you can prevent areas from being scanned with
AREAPMSCAN on startup. This is good if you use "AREAPMSCAN *", but
have some big areas which slows it down.
Here you can specify areas to be scanned with AREAPMSCAN even if
they were excluded with AREAPMSCANEXCL. Useful for partial
reversal of wildcard specs in the excludes.
If this keyword is set to "hard", it is no longer possible to
enter/reply/change messages in areas marked read-only with the R/O
area attribute. The "soft" setting uses a menu to ask permission
as in the previous versions. This option is designed for those who
setup a system for new computer users who might be confused enough
to enter a message in a read-only area despite the warning menu.
Renames one echoid to another. The feature is meant to be used in
connection with AREAFILE, where some types do not store echoids
with the areas (and GoldED then automatically gives them unique
If enabled, the destination area selection list is bypassed,
thereby making possible a "seamless" reply/forward to the default
destination area. The destination area should be set with
TIP: If you run a utility or have a mail processor which copies
personal mail to a separate area and puts an "AREA:" line at
the top of the messages, you should create a random system
group for the area and enable AREAREPLYDIRECT in it:
AreaReplyDirect yes
With such a setup, GoldED replies directly to the area found
in the "AREA:" line, so that you do not have to explicitly
use the Alt-N command to reply in the original area, because
GoldED automatically stores the reply in the appropiate
area. However, if you use , you can select a diffrent
area (i.e. Netmail).
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
NOTE: It is probably not a good idea to enable this keyword
AREAREPLYTO (first netmail area)
Sets the default area for the READmovequotemsg, READmovecommentmsg
and Forward functions. The default area is the first netmail area
found in your setup. You should check if GoldED found the correct
one if you have more than one. If you find yourself often
forwarding or quoting from one area to another, it might be a good
idea to setup a Random System group and put in this keyword.
This keyword can be used globally and in a Random System group.
This keyword defines areas which will be automatically scanned
when starting GoldED. DOS/4DOS-style wildcards (* and ?) can be
used in the echoid mask.
AREASCAN * Scan all areas.
AREASCAN *INTER* Scan all areas containing "INTER" anywhere in
the echoid.
AREASCAN INT*.* Scan all areas beginning with "INT" and
containing a '.' anywhere in the echoid.
It is recommended to have an "AREASCAN *" to scan all areas at
startup. If you don't want to wait for the scan to complete, you
can abort the scan by pressing ESC during startup.
With this keyword you can prevent areas from being scanned with
AREASCAN on startup. This is good if you use "AREASCAN *", but
have some big areas which slows it down.
Here you can specify areas to be scanned with AREASCAN even if
they were excluded with AREASCANEXCL. Useful for partial reversal
of wildcard specs in the excludes.
When scanning areas, GoldED can optimize area scanning speed if it
first sorts the arealist in an order so that each msgbase format
is scanned in sequence rather than on semi-random order.
If you don't like this or don't need it, you can define your own
sort order.
See the AREALISTSORT keyword for the definition of the sortspecs.
AREASEP <"desc">
You can define area separation lines between groups or areatypes.
The syntax is nearly the same as the AREADEF keyword except for
the fields after .
These five are area separation lines that are designed to list
before each type of area. This works well when AREALISTSORT has
T (for type) as one of the primary sort orders.
AREASEP !NET "Netmail areas" 0 Net
AREASEP !EMAIL "E-mail areas" 0 EMail
AREASEP !ECHO "Echomail areas" 0 Echo
AREASEP !NEWS "Newsgroup areas" 0 News
AREASEP !LOCAL "Local areas" 0 Local
These can be used to separate areas with group letters (it will
also work with group numbers like #117). Areas should then be
sorted primarily on the group.
AREASEP !A "Group A" A Local
AREASEP !B "Group B" B Local
AREASEP !C "Group C" C Local
In these examples, I put a '!' in front of the echoid to make
sure it is sorted ahead of the areas. This may not be necessary
in all cases, depending on the sort order in effect. If you do
put '!' in front of the echoid, have fuzzy sorting as the
primary sort order, and type '!' in the fuzzy search, you'll get
the interesting effect that all area separation lines collect
themselves at the top :-)
The area separation lines are implemented like a special kind of
area, and are therefore sorted in the arealist just as if they
were actual areas. This is also the reason why you can place the
cursor bar on the separation lines. Originally I wanted to make
the cursor skip the separation lines, but I think I'll leave it as
it is, because it can be useful sometimes, especially when using
the fuzzy feature to quickly go to an area, for example, type "!C"
to quickly move down to the group C areas (using the group sorted
When configuring area separation lines, be careful to consider the
AREALISTSORT, so that the lines are sorted into the positions you
want. If you don't sort areas, you must make sure that the AREASEP
definitions are placed correctly in your GOLDED.CFG or
GOLDAREA.CFG, that is, between/before AREADEF lines.
You will note that the separation lines are not fully connected
into the left and right edges. This is both by design and for
practical reasons (easier to implement), not a bug.
Currently the descriptions are hardcoded to the natural location
in the description column.
Normally GoldED starts by displaying the arealist, to let you
select which area you want to read. If this keyword is defined,
the arealist is bypassed and GoldED starts directly in the
configured area. You can override AREASTART with the -E
commandline switch.
This keyword allows you to change the ordering of the Net, Echo,
Local, EMail and News types when sorted by AREALISTSORT.
The default is
AREATYPEORDER Net EMail Echo News Local
This keyword was added to give greater flexibility to the new
AREASEP feature.
GoldED automatically copies mails written by yourself to the given
area when saving a new mail. GoldED will also add an AREA-kludge
so you can see from which area the mail originally is copied from.
This keyword can be used globally and in Random System group.
If enabled, you will be asked if the message you just replied to
should be deleted. Otherwise it is left untouched.
This keyword is only functional in netmail and local areas.
Defines the default when selecting files for attachement.
Defines the attributes that are *added* to the existing attributes
of a message when the file attach attribute is toggled on.
Defines the default attributes of Carbon Copy messages. CC
attributes are *added* to the existing attributes of the original
message. Usually used to add the Kill/Sent attribute.
Defines the default attributes of the Confirmation Receipt
Defines the default attributes of messages entered in echomail
Defines the default attributes of messages entered in e-mail
Defines the attributes to use for messages generated with the file
request function. Suggested attributes are: PVT K/S CRA. The FRQ
and LOC attributes are added automatically.
Defines the default attributes of messages entered in local areas.
Defines the default attributes of messages entered in netmail
Defines the default attributes of messages entered in news groups.
Defines the default attributes for area members of the current
Random System group.
If enabled, GoldED will make a noise when the cursor in the
internal editor is moved across a word defined with the
If enabled, GoldED will make a noise if it finds a msg with the
"Local" (LOC) attributes set. This can be useful for the sysop who
wants to monitor the msgs entered by users on his/her BBS.
A related keyword is DISPLOCALHIGH.
If enabled, GoldED makes noises when it wants attention.
NOTE: This is the "master switch" for all noises in GoldED.
If set to "yes", GoldED will make a noise if it finds a
non-received message to one of your USERNAME's. If set to
"always", GoldED will make the noise even if it has already been
marked as received.
This specifies the format of the Carbon Copy list, as it will look
after processing. You can also change the format in the CC menu
before processing.
The can be one of the following:
Keep Keep the list as entered.
Names Convert list to "CC: Name, Name, Name.." format.
Visible Convert list to "CC: Name Address" format.
Hidden Convert list to "^aCC: Name Address" format.
Remove Remove the list completely.
More details can be found in the Carbon Copy and Crossposting chapter.
Using this keyword you can define or redefine all the colors used
in GoldED. See the Color Configuration chapter for details.
A complete color setup consists of a quite a lot of COLOR
keywords, and it is normal practice to put them in a separate .CFG
file and use the INCLUDE keyword to let GoldED read it. The COLORS
archive contains a number of example color/mono setups. Try them
out if you think the default colors stink :-)
COLORSET (Normal or Mono)
Three color setups are built-in, and can be selected with this
The Normal set is the default when a color display adapter is
detected. The Normal set has all black background, with bright
neon-like colors for the window frames. Some hate it, some love
it. :-)
The Intense set switches off the "blink" attribute, thereby
enabling the use of intense (bright) colors for the background
("paper") colors as well as the foreground ("ink") colors. This is
used in the Intense set to make a bright white background, sort of
like the standard Windows 3.0 setup.
The Mono set is the default when a monochrome adapter is detected.
GoldED supports the Confirmation Receipt attribute, as used in
FrontDoor 2.xx with the FLAGS CFM kludge. If GoldED finds an
unreceived message to one of your USERNAME's with the CFM (or the
RRQ Return Receipt Request) attribute set, it generates an
automatic response message from the content of the CONFIRMFILE. In
the file you can use many of the template tokens to personalize
the automatic message. You can specify the default attributes for
the message with the ATTRIBSCFM keyword.
Template tokens are explained in the Message Template chapter.
An unreceived message to you with the CFM attribute set tells
GoldED that the sender has requested a receipt that you have read
the message. With this keyword you tell GoldED what to do when
such a message is found. Either always automatically generate the
receipt ("yes"), always ignore the requests ("no") or ask you in
each case. Older versions always generated receipts.
COOKIEPATH (defaults to the GOLDPATH)
Defines the default path for the @random template token.
This specifies the format of the Crosspost list, as it will look
after processing.
The can be one of the following:
None Crosspost without a list in the msgs.
Verbose Change the list to lines of "* Crossposted in ..."
Yes Also adds "* Crossposted in ...", but expands echolist
in line rather than in column.
Raw Keep the crosspost list as you entered it.
More details can be found in the Carbon Copy and Crossposting
Specifies if you want a tearline and/or origin in your messages.
This keyword can ONLY be used in random system groups.
This may be helpful for QWK users, who can now create a group for
the QWK areas and put "CTRLINFO No" in it.
CTRLINFOECHO (Tearline Origin)
Specifies if you want a tearline and/or origin in your echomail
messages. They will be added by your echomail processor if you
disable them here.
CTRLINFOECHO Tearline Origin ; Add both tearline and origin.
CTRLINFOECHO Tearline ; Add only a tearline.
CTRLINFOECHO Origin ; Add only an origin.
NOTE: If you use the last example, your mail processor may get
confused. However, most modern mail processors *can* handle msgs
without a tearline.
Specifies if you want a tearline and/or origin in your Internet
e-mail messages. This is not recommended.
Specifies if you want tearline and origin in your messages in
local areas. In local areas, the tearline and origin is normally
never required but can be used for cosmetic purposes.
CTRLINFOLOCAL Tearline Origin ; Add both tearline and origin.
CTRLINFOLOCAL Tearline ; Add only a tearline.
CTRLINFOLOCAL Origin ; Add only an origin.
Specifies if you want tearline and origin in your netmail
messages. In netmail areas, the tearline and origin is normally
never required but can be used for cosmetic purposes.
CTRLINFONET Tearline Origin ; Add both tearline and origin.
CTRLINFONET Tearline ; Add only a tearline.
CTRLINFONET Origin ; Add only an origin.
Specifies if you want a tearline and/or origin in your Internet
news articles. This is not recommended.
This keyword specifies if GoldED should display the area number on
the top line in the reader.
Yes Display it only if non-zero.
No Never display it.
Always Always display the area number.
The area number is the same as that displayed in the leftmost
column in the arealist. This also means that the number displayed
can be either the "real" area number (Hudson/Goldbase/Ezycom
board) or the standard sequential number (toggleable with Alt-B in
the arealist).
The number is displayed in square brackets to the left of the area
description. I am not sure that is the best place for it - things
are getting kinda crowded up there... Suggestions are welcome.
Controls how the size of attached files is displayed in the
header. Either the exact byte size, the rounded kbyte size, or not
displayed at all. If the kbytes setting is chosen, the value is
rounded according to the following formula: kbytes = (bytes + 512)
/ 1024. So a 600 bytes file is rounded up to "1k", but a 500 bytes
file is rounded down to "0k".
If enabled, GoldED will automatically jump to the next message
when entering an area.
Specifies the position and length of the date field in the header
display. If a negative value is specified, that value is added to
the current display width.
Specifies the position and length of the from/to name field in the
header display. If a negative value is specified, that value is
added to the current display width.
Specfies the position and length of the from/to node address field
in the header display. If a negative value is specified, that
value is added to the current display width.
NOTE: The attributes display moves along with the DISPHDRNODESET
Selects the starting position of selection bar in the message list
and nodelist browsers.
Top At the top if possible.
NearTop At top + 1/3 if possible.
Middle At middle of possible.
NearBottom At bottom - 1/3.
Bottom At bottom.
Enables/disables wrap-around when the selection bar in the main
list/browser windows reaches the top or bottom.
If enabled, GoldED will display the FROM name with the highlight
color, if a message has the Local (LOC) attribute set.
A related keyword is BEEPLOCALMSG.
This is the right margin (display width) used for message display.
If the value is 0 (zero), GoldED will default to the current
screen width. If a negative value is specified, that value will be
added to the current screen width (thereby decreasing the display
width relative to the screen width).
If the DISPPAGEBAR keyword is enabled, the right margin is
automatically decreased by one char.
When enabled, this keyword displays the msgbody size in bytes,
kbytes or lines in the lower left side of the header. The size
displayed is for the message body text only, the header and
nul-terminator (and anything that may lurk beyond it) is excluded
from the calculation.
NOTE: This feature currently only works when _reading_ msgs. While
editing a msg in the internal editor, this feature is disabled -
however, the size will be displayed when you are in the Save msg
menu (if EDITSAVEMENU is enabled).
If enabled, a "pagebar" (similar to the scrollbar in GUI's) will
appear on the right margin, telling you about the relative size
and position in the message you are reading. It is only displayed
if a message is longer than a screenful.
The pagebar automatically decreases the DISPMARGIN by one char.
GoldED can display the message numbers in two ways:
1. As the actual (real) msg numbers.
2. As "relative" numbers, which are always sequential from msg
number 1.
Normally the relative numbers are best, because they reflect the
actual number of msgs in the system.
If enabled, GoldED will treat the so-called Soft-CR character
(ASCII 141, HEX 8D) just like any other displayable character,
instead of ignoring it like linefeed chars (LF). Note that by
enabling this feature, you _disable_ the character translation
feature that uses the Soft-CR as an escape character. This feature
was added to help users in countries which use the Soft-CR
character for other purposes like 2-byte characters in Japan.
NOTE: The Ezycom msgbase format requires the Soft-CR to terminate
each line. Therefore this feature is unlikely to be useful to
Ezycom sysops.
If set to NO, the statusline with memory meter, clock etc. will be
disabled. This option has been implemented as a temporary help for
visually impaired users. More extensive help may be implemented in
future versions.
The tab size (number of spaces) used when displaying the tab
(ASCII 9) character, and when pressing in the internal
If you use an external editor, you should switch it to create
spaces instead of tabs, because tabs are technically not allowed
in FidoNet technology messages.
DOSPROMPT (yes/no) (yes)
If enabled, GoldED will add a message about itself to the DOS
prompt when shelling out.
With this keyword you can specify what storage devices the DOS
shell swapper should try or use, and what order to try them in.
It is only relevant for the standard 16-bit DOS version. The 386,
W32, OS/2 and Linux versions will ignore this keyword.
The YES parameter tells the swapper to try EMS, XMS, DISK in that
order, and NO tells it not to swap at all (this will leave the
main part of GoldED in memory, and give you little room in the DOS
You can specify your own order, such as "DOSSWAP EMS, XMS, DISK",
which makes it try it in that order, or "DOSSWAP EMS, DISK", which
makes it ignore XMS.
If disk swapping is used, the swap file will be placed in the
These parameters modify the disk swapping behaviour:
HIDE Hides the swapfile, if diskswapping is used.
CHECKNET For some reason, disk swapping is slower if running
on a (Novell) network without this.
NOPREALLOC Use this if you are always running on a network
(instead of enabling CHECKNET).
Some programs use extended memory in ways that may conflict with
the XMS extended memory driver, causing inexplicable crashes. If
you have problems, you should first try turning off the OVERLAY
keyword, and if it still fails, turn off DOSSWAP (or stop using
those other programs :-)
If enabled, and you use drivespec (C:, D:, etc.) in the subject in
a netmail message, GoldED will automatically turn on the file
attach attribute. Autoattaching only works if the subject has been
edited, so that subject files will not automatically be
re-attached in replies.
If a non-zero value is given, the internal editor will
automatically execute the EDITsavefile function with intervals of
. Good for keeping automatic backup of the message you
are writing. The saved file can be restored with the EDITloadfile
command. The name of the saved file is defined with the EDITORFILE
If disaster strikes (crash, lockup, power blackout, etc.) while
you are writing a message in the internal editor, this feature
lets you continue from the last autosaved message, which will
popup automatically when you enter the internal editor again.
NOTE: This feature only works 100% if KEYBMODE is set to "poll".
If KEYBMODE is set to "block", autosave won't happen until you
press a key after the interval has passed.
If set to "always", GoldED will always "touch" the message date in
the header, if you change a message after saving it.
If set to "yes", GoldED will only "touch" the message date in the
header, if you change a message written by yourself. This is
useful in cases such as when you need to edit messages written by
other people (in-transit netmails for example) which may be
mis-addressed or something without messing up the date.
If set to "no", the message date is not changed when changing a
EDITCHARPARA [']['] (' ')
This keyword defines the character GoldED displays at the end of
paragraphs in the internal editor. This is where the CR character
will be placed once the msg is saved.
EDITCHARSPACE [']['] (' ')
This keyword defines the character GoldED displays when it should
display a space character in the internal editor. See also the
description of the EDITCHARPARA keyword.
The keywords EDITCHARPARA and EDITCHARSPACE were added to aid me
while rewriting and debugging the new internal editor. By
redefining them to visible characters instead of spaces, I could
see if strange things were happening while inserting or deleting
characters. This was a great help. Personally I now always use
redefinitions to ASCII 20 (a paragraph sign) and CP437 250 (a
small dot).
EDITCOMMENT <"word"> <"comment">
This feature is mostly for fun :-)
It allows you to define words which causes GoldED to display a
comment in the statusline, when you place the cursor on the word
in the internal editor.
EDITCOMMENT ":-(" "Don't worry, be happy!"
EDITCOMMENT ":-)" "Are we having fun yet?"
EDITCOMMENT ";-)" "Wink wink, nudge nugde..."
EDITCOMMENT "!!!" "Flame Warning!"
EDITCOMMENT "GoldED" "Great program, isn't it?"
EDITCOMMENT "Odin" "One more 'n' please."
EDITCOMMENT "Odinn" "That's right :-)"
Have fun with it!
EDITCOMPLETION <"abbreviation"> <"completion">
This feature allows you to define abbreviations which will be
automatically expanded to full words or sentences when typed in
the internal editor. Examples:
EDITCOMPLETION "/V7" "Version 7"
EDITCOMPLETION "/WfW" "Windows for Workgroups"
NOTE! The abbreviation is case-sensitive. If "XX" is defined as
an abbreviation, completion will NOT be triggered if "xx" is
If enabled, all text paragraphs in your messages will be
terminated with a CR/LF combination. If disabled, only a single CR
is used. This option was created to fix a problem with an older
version of the Dutchie mail processor, that apparently needed the
CR/LF termination of kludge lines.
If enabled, the input-fields will be automatically cleared for new
entry, if a non-edit key is the first key pressed.
The string is needed if you use an external editor that terminates
all lines with a CR or CR/LF. The hardline string acts as a text
paragraph terminator, and the normal CR's are ignored.
The concept of "hardlines" is explained in the Hardline Feature
This keyword enables the "hardline" feature. If disabled, the
EDITHARDLINE string is never written to the editor message file,
and the editor message file is read back exactly as entered,
including terminating CR's on all lines.
If enabled, GoldED will hard-terminate all lines in your messages
at the editor margin. It is recommended to enable this keyword for
Internet e-mail and newsgroups, because some user-unfriendly
Internet software does not wrap long lines properly. But DON'T
enable it in normal FidoNet echomail.
This keyword can be used globally and in Random System groups.
Specfies the position and length of the from/to name field in the
header edit display. If a negative value is specified, that value
is added to the current display width.
Specfies the position and length of the from/to node address field
in the header edit display. If a negative value is specified, that
value is added to the current display width.
This keyword allows you to turn off the large attributes window
that is shown during header edit. Even if the window is turned
off, the Alt-keys are still active for toggling attributes.
This keyword controls the circumstances that will present you with
the header editor first of all.
New When entering a new message.
Changes When changing a message
Replies When making a reply.
Forwards When forwarding a message.
Yes Always (all of the above).
No Never.
The New, Changes, Replies and Forwards values can be combined. YES
is equivalent to enabling all four of these.
For example, we want to edit the header only when entering a new
message or when changing a message:
If the circumstances match the setup of this keyword, the header
edit will be bypassed and you will start directly in the EDITMENU
(if enabled) or in the internal or external editor. A new menu
item has been added in the EDITSAVEMENU, "Edit Header", which
allows you to edit the header after you have written your message,
but before it is finally saved.
If you set EDITHEADERFIRST to NO, you must either have the
EDITSAVEMENU enabled, or use the internal editor, because
otherwise it is not possible to edit the header at all.
Specifies if the internal editor should be the default, even if an
external editor is defined. You can always change the setting in
the editor menu (if EDITMENU is enabled) before you start writing
your message.
This keyword enables or disables the "Edit menu" that pops up
right after you have edited the message header. If you disable the
menu, you will go to the internal or external editor immediately
and save a keystroke, but you will of course lose the features
available from the menu, such as selection of template etc.
If this keyword is enabled, GoldED will automatically format the
name with uppercase the first letter in words and lowercase the
rest, when entering names in the header.
"odinn sorensen" or "ODINN SORENSEN"
These would be re-cased to "Odinn Sorensen".
EDITMSGSIZE (64000 in DOS, 512000 in all others)
This lets you limit the size of loaded msgs. GoldED currently
cannot handle msgs larger than 64k in the DOS version (all other
platforms do not have this limit). This keyword ensures that the
system will not get confused and possibly crash or exit, if a
message was encountered that was larger than 64k.
EDITOR [@file] [@line]
With GoldED it is possible to use your favorite text editor or
even word processor to write messages. With this keyword you
specify the commandline for the editor.
If you use a word processor, be sure to make it export clean ASCII
text files without control codes. You may also need to enable the
DOSSWAP keyword, if the editor or word processor requires a lot of
free memory to run.
Program commandline.
@file Token which is replaced by the editor message
@line Token which is replaced by the @Position
template line number.
Defines the name of the temporary editor message file. This file
is written by GoldED when swapping to the external editor, or when
using the EDITsavefile command in the internal editor.
The file is written in the GOLDPATH if there is no explicit path.
Sets the right margin for editing quoted lines in the internal
editor. This should be set to the same or wider than the
If enabled, GoldED inserts the "Re:" string in front of the
subject when you reply to a message. If not enabled, GoldED will
strip any leading "Re:" when you reply to a msg.
The "Re:" string in subjects is an obsolete practice, and today it
only slows down modern replylinking software. Do yourself and
others a favor and let GoldED strip the Re: in your replies.
The "numeric" option makes GoldED use numeric Re:'s, of the form
This keyword can be used globally and in Random System groups.
This keyword enables or disables the "Save menu" that pops up
after you have edited your message in the internal or external
editor. If you disable the menu, your message will be saved (or
discarded if not edited) immediately and save you a keystroke, but
you will also lose the features available from the menu.
EDITSAVEUTIL <"L menu text">
Defines the external utilities that will be added to the
EDITSAVEMENU (if enabled). The menu text is inserted in the menu.
The first two characters of the menu text are the "hotkey" letter
that will be highlighted in the menu text, plus a space. Example:
EDITSAVEUTIL 1 "S PGP Sign the msg"
EDITSAVEUTIL 2 "l PGP Clear-Sign the msg"
EDITSAVEUTIL 3 "E PGP Encrypt the msg"
EDITSAVEUTIL 4 "p PGP Encrypt & Sign the msg"
If you have changed the default language in this menu (in
GOLDLANG.CFG), then make sure the highlight letters don't clash.
With EDITSAVEUTIL definitions and EDITSAVEMENU enabled, you can
directly call an external utility to do things like encoding or
encrypting msgs before saving them.
If a translation char is defined, GoldED will translate the
soft-cr character (ASCII 141, HEX 8D) in prompts and in the
internal editor. Example:
This example for russians translates the soft-cr to an 'H'.
Please note that this option only applied when DISPSOFTCR set to
While in the internal editor, you can use the EDITspellcheck
command to save your message to a file and shell to external
spellchecking software. When the check is completed, the corrected
file is read back and you can continue editing your message. The
EDITspellcheck command internally uses the EDITsavefile and
EDITloadfile commands.
Spellchecker program commandline.
[@file] Token which is replaced by the message filename
(defined by the EDITORFILE keyword).
This keyword defines the number of lines to keep in the undelete
buffer between messages.
With this keyword enabled, GoldED will always strip the tearline
down to just the three dashes, "---", and instead inserts the PID
(Product IDentification) kludge line, which contains the same
information, but in a safer form in a safer place. The PID kludge
is proposed in FidoNet document FSC-0046.
By default headers in e-mails MIME-encoded according to RFC. In
Russia it is general practice not to encode headers, so you
probably want to say no if you're in Russia.
Ends a Random System GROUP definition.
This keyword allows you to specify which soundfile to play when a
specfic event occurs. The following 's are defined:
Arealist When the arealist shows.
AskYesNo Any Yes/No type prompt.
Attention Warnings or information popup messages.
DosShell When entering a DOS or OS/2 shell.
EditComment When an editcomment is found.
EndOfMsgs When there are no more msgs in the area.
ErrorFatal Fatal error exit.
Exit Exit from GoldED.
JobDone Successful completion of a job.
JobFailed Unsuccessful completion of a job.
MsgDeleting When deleting a msg.
MsgFromYou When a msg from you is found.
MsgIsLocal When a msg marked Local is found.
MsgIsTwit When a msg from a Twit is found.
MsgToYou When a msg to you is found.
SearchFailed Search operation failed.
SearchSuccess Search operation was successful.
Startup When the GoldED startup screen shows.
There is currently only one defined:
The parameter to PLAY can be either a sound file or one of the
following standard beepnoises:
TheEnd A high and a low note.
GotIt Two sets of low-high notes.
TooBad A falling note.
ToYou A rising and falling note.
SayBiBi A single beep.
SOS Morse S O S (...---...).
If a sound file is specified, the sound driver must support the
The DOS and 386 versions need a Goldware Sound API compatible TSR
or program loader which installs an interrupt service function on
the multiplex interrupt 2Dh. See the chapter about the Goldware
Sound API for more details. The GCTVSAPI program loader (released
separately) currently only supports the CT-VOICE.DRV driver for
.VOC files.
The OS/2 version relies on MMPM/2 (using the mciSendString API
call) to play the sound files. On my system with a Sound Blaster
Pro, MMPM/2 plays both .WAV and (to my surprise) .VOC files. It
even plays .MID files :-)
The Win32 version uses the Win32 API to play the sound files. It
should be able to play any multimedia file that Windows knows how
to handle.
Example usages:
You have to select the sounds carefully and probably with a lot of
experimentation, unless you want to turn your mailreader into a
honking, wailing and farting monster and drive your poor family or
yourself nuts with a cacophony of noises...
You can define up to 50 different addressmasks to be excluded from
the compiled nodelists. Use this if you are short of space, or the
nodelist compile takes very long on your system. This keyword is
used by GoldNODE.
Excluded nodes can be re-included with the INCLUDENODES keyword.
Defines the default options for the EXTERNUTIL's. Valid options:
-Cls * Clear screen.
-Cursor * Cursor in shell.
-KeepCtrl * Keep control lines in the message.
-Pause Pause for keypress before returning to GoldED.
-PauseOnError * Pause only if utility errorlevel is nonzero.
-Reload * Reload the message file (@file).
-Swap * Swap GoldED out of memory before shelling.
-Wipe Wipe editorfile and temporary file after use.
Plus the reverse options with a "No" prefix, for example -NoCls.
The default options are marked with an asterisk (*).
Use -NoKeepCtrl when you want to clearsign a message. This will
strip the control lines (kludges, tearline and origin) from the
message before passing it to the external utility. The tearline
and origin is appended to the message when reloading it. The
default is to keep control lines in the message.
Use -Wipe when you want the temporary unencrypted message files to
be wiped and removed from the disk after they have been read into
memory. GoldED wipes a file by writing a block of 512 random bytes
over the entire length of the file, then truncating it to zero
bytes and finally deleting it. The default is not to wipe files.
EXTERNUTIL [-options]
This new feature can be used to "filter" msgs, for example calling
PGP or other encryption utilities.
The must be in the range 1 to 24 for utilities that will
be called with key definitions (see below). Higher numbers can be
used for utilities that are called from the EDITSAVEMENU (if
enabled). See the EDITSAVEUTIL keyword for details.
The default options are those specified with the EXTERNOPTIONS
keyword. With [-options], you can change the those options locally
for specific utils. See the EXTERNOPTIONS keyword for a list of
valid options.
The specfies the DOS or OS/2 commandline you want to
execute. This works in the same way as for the external editor and
spellchecker. See the manual for details about this, especially if
you want to execute batchfiles. In the you can use
@tokens to transfer information from the msg to the commandline.
The @tokens are the same as for templates, and in addition you can
use two other @tokens:
@path The GOLDPATH, including a trailing backslash.
@file The full filename of the message file (GOLDED.MSG)
that will be written to disk before the utility is
@tmpfile The full filename of a temporary message file
(GEDTMPxx.xxx) that will be written to disk before the
utility is called.
EXTERNUTIL 1 c:\4dos\4dos.com /c c:\crypt\encrypt.bat @file
EXTERNUTIL 2 c:\4dos\4dos.com /c c:\crypt\decrypt.bat @file
To call a defined external utility, you must assign a key to it.
There are 24 new keyboard commands you can use in GOLDKEYS.CFG for
this purpose:
Where NN is in the range 01 to 24 _with_ leading zero. Examples:
F11 ExternUtil01
F12 ExternUtil02
Then if you press F11, you would call external utility number 1
and so on. The ExternUtilNN keywords ONLY work in reader mode, not
in the internal editor or any other place.
1. Just before the external utility is called, GoldED writes the
current message text to the GOLDED.MSG file in the GOLDPATH.
The file is written as a textfile with each line CR-LF
terminated. The content is exactly as you see it on the
screen, which means that kludges are only included if you have
enabled kludge viewing. If the -NoKeepCtrl option is used,
kludges, tearline and origin are stripped before the file is
written. If the token @tmpfile is used, a temporary file named
GEDTMPxx.xxx (where xx.xxx is something unique) is created
with exactly the same content as @file.
2. GoldED clears the screen and then calls the utility after
swapping itself out of memory (if swapping is enabled or
relevant for the version).
3. The utility can now load and process the @file and/or
@tmpfile, or do anything else you want. It doesn't have to
have anything to do with the current msg. You could call a
spreadsheet, a game, whatever. But I think this feature will
mainly be used for utilities that process the @file. If the
utility processes the @file, it could write the changes back
to the @file.
4. After returning from the utility, GoldED reloads the @file and
displays it just as if it was the current message. For
example, if your utility was a decrypter and the msg was
encrypted, you would now see the decrypted msg. Neat eh? :-)
5. If you want to make the reloaded text permanent (save it in
the msg), you can use the Change Msg function and immediately
choose "Save Message" from the Editing menu (if enabled with
EDITMENU Yes). This is in fact the method you could use if you
wanted to EN-crypt a msg (however, it is easier to use the
method which involves the EDITSAVEUTIL keyword).
The QUOTESPACING feature can interfere with encoded msgs that
include the '>' character at the beginning of lines (often seen in
uuencoded msgs), by automatically inserting blank lines before and
after the lines with '>'. I have therefore changed the
quotespacing default from YES to NO. Be sure to check if you have
a different setting if you are using an older edition of the
advanced configuration files.
If the string "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----" is found as the first
27 characters in a reloaded message, GoldED will automatically add
the FSC-0073 kludge "^aENC: PGP" to indicate that the message is
encrypted. This kludge may be used by some software to set up
alternative routing for encrypted mail which would otherwise be
bounced if sent through normal channels.
See the "Using PGP as an External Utility" chapter for batchfile
examples and instructions on how to use this new feature with PGP.
!!! IMPORTANT !!! From FidoNet Policy 4.07 (chapter 2.1.4):
"[..] Therefore, encrypted and/or commercial traffic that is
routed without the express permission of all the links in the
delivery system constitutes annoying behavior."
So be careful with this feature!
TIP: You can use the EXTERNUTIL feature to setup keys to view or
print an attached fax. Use something like this in GOLDED.CFG:
EXTERNUTIL 11 c:\zfax\zfax.com pf @subject ; print fax
EXTERNUTIL 12 c:\zfax\zfax.com vf @subject ; view fax
And this in GOLDKEYS.CFG:
@F11 ExternUtil11 ; Press Alt-F11 to print the fax
@F12 ExternUtil12 ; Press Alt-F12 to view the fax
Or choose your own key assignments and fax view/print utils.
Note that this assumes that the fax file is listed in the subject
line like an attached file.
NOTE: If you're running GoldED/386 and try to use a Win32 program
as an EXTERNUTIL, you might get the error "This program cannot be
run in DOS mode". You can work around this by calling the Win32
program via the shell. For example if this call fails:
EXTERNUTIL 1 c:\utl\mywin32.exe @file
Replace it with:
EXTERNUTIL 1 command.com /c c:\utl\mywin32.exe @file
Then it should work. If not, try using full path to command.com.
Defines the base path for the Ezycom msgbase. If not set, AREAFILE
Ezycom will set it.
Defines the base path for the Ezycom userbase. If not set,
AREAFILE Ezycom will set it.
Defines the lastread set used in the Ezycom message base.
If enabled, GoldED will use the echomail "highwater mark" (1.MSG)
to determine if a message is "sent" or "unsent" in *.MSG areas.
NOTE: Some older echomail processors do not update the highwater
mark in a way that GoldED can recognize. If all messages appear to
marked "Uns", even after the mail has been scanned out, try
turning off this keyword.
Defines the filename of the *.MSG lastread files. DO NOT specify a
This keyword defines the default format of Fido *.MSG files. It is
only used by some AREAFILE's when reading external area
configuration files, where the preferred format is unknown.
The FTS1 (FTS-0001.012 and later) format uses zone/point fields,
where the Opus format uses date/time stamps. When set to Opus
format, GoldED interprets the date/time stamps as DOS-style
bitmapped date/time.
If set to YES, GoldED will replace NUL chars with LF chars in the
msg body when reading a Fido *.MSG file. This is slower of course,
but not noticably on fast machines.
This option was created to enable GoldED users to read msgs that
were created/handled by brain-dead programs (I don't have names,
sorry) which are not obeying our primary technical standard:
FTS-0001. FTS-1 states that a NUL terminates the msg body. But
sometimes msgs are encountered which have a NUL as the first char
in the msg body or perhaps in other places, thereby causing GoldED
to show a blank or cut-off msg. In some Pascal-based readers, such
as FM, these msgs can be read anyway, because in Pascal a NUL does
not terminate a string like in C/C++.
NOTE: Even if the new FIDONULLFIX keyword is disabled, GoldED will
still fix a NUL if it is the _first_ character in the msg body.
This probably fixes most of these buggy msgs without the overhead
of checking the entire msg.
Path and filename of a FIDOUSER.LST file.
This file is expected to be sorted in ascending alphabetical order
using plain ASCII case-insensitive sort. Each line in the list is
expected to be 60 characters plus a CR and a LF, or in other words
records of 62 bytes each. If the list is produced by a nodelist
compiler, everything should be okay, but be careful if you have
edited the file manually. Note that a FIDOUSER.LST file only
supports a name lookup (to get the address).
This is an index into the FIDOLASTREAD file. Each user occupies 2
bytes in the lastread file.
Used to define short alias names for filenames. If you regularly
write msgs to different files in different paths, this feature is
very useful, and reduces the risk of typing wrong.
With this file alias, you can simply write "DKB" at the filename
prompt, and the long filename will be used.
Enables or disables a pagebar (scrollbar) in the file attach list
If enabled, GoldED will popup a template selection menu when you
start writing a new msg or reply. If you have both TEMPLATE(s) and
FORCETEMPLATE in a Random System group, you can tell GoldED to use
the random template(s) by hitting ESC instead of selecting from
the menu.
This keyword can be used globally and in Random System groups.
Used when saving messages to file. If enabled, it inserts a Form
Feed (12d) character after each message.
FRQEXT <.ext>
With this keyword you can add extra known filename extensions for
the filerequest function. The following extensions are already
known by default, and need not be defined (duplicate definitions
are ignored):
Each extension _must_ have the leading dot.
Example: FRQEXT .XYZ
This keyword is used for the file request feature (Ctrl-F). It
allows you to define mappings from a nodenumber used in a file
announcement to another nodenumber. This is useful in the cases
where a multi-line system announces files using their primary
nodenumber, which may be a regular V34 modem number, but they also
have an ISDN number, which you would prefer to use instead.
// change-to: from:
FRQNODEMAP 2:236/99 2:236/100
FRQNODEMAP 2:236/1043 2:236/43
So, if I saw a file announcement from 2:236/100, and requested
some files, the request would automatically be addressed to
Defines options for the file request function:
Sort Sort the list of files alphabetically.
FromTop Scan the message from the top of the message.
NotFromTop Scan the message from the top of the screen.
NoFiles Don't list the file FILES if no files were found.
NoWazooMsg Don't save the request message.
Fast Bypass the header edit and save the msg immediately.
By default, the "FromTop" option is enabled. If you often request
files from very long announcement messages, you might find it very
useful to set the "NotFromTop" option.
The "NoFiles" option was added because if no filenames are found
in a message, the file request function defaults to listing the
magic name FILES instead of complaining that no files were found.
If the FRQWAZOO keyword is enabled, the default behaviour is to
save the request message with the FRQ attribute stripped. Use the
"NoWazooMsg" option if you don't want the request message.
Use the "Fast" option if you find that you almost never change the
destination of the file request message anyway. If you enable this
option, remember that you can always go over to the netmail area
and change the file request message before it is sent.
The UseFlowFile option enables a feature which was default in
2.50, but which I have been informed is problematic for modern
mailers in some setups. The default is now to ONLY create/update
the .REQ file and NOT also touch/create a .?LO flowfile.
If enabled, GoldED will create WaZOO .REQ files instead of file
request messages. You must define an OUTBOUNDPATH if you enable
this feature.
If this switch set to yes GoldEd displays handshake char in
statusline. If you annoyed with this feature you could hide this
character by setting this option to no.
This option is meanful for w32 version only. Due to right Alt key
required to enter some native characters in german version of
Windows it could be defined to yes for this.
Specifies the directory where GoldED can find the Goldbase msgbase
Specifies the directory where GoldED can find the NETMAIL.DAT and
ECHOMAIL.DAT files of the Goldbase msgbase. If not specified, the
Specifies the lastread set used in the Goldbase message base.
This is the path where GoldED finds all it's control files. It is
not necessary to define this, unless you have special needs. The
GOLDPATH defaults to directory where the GOLDED.CFG file was
Starts a Random System group. See the Random System chapter for
If enabled, GoldED updates (increases) the "timesread" field in
each message that you read. If set to NO, it doesn't touch the
message. The YES setting causes a slight performance decrease,
because the header of each message has to be read, the timesread
field updated and the header written back to disk. The update
happens immediately after the message is displayed, so you may not
notice it at all. A message is only updated if the timesread field
contains the value 0 (zero).
This keyword only works in the following msgbase formats: Fido
(*.MSG), Hudson, Goldbase, JAM, Squish, Ezycom and AdeptXBBS. In
Squish and Ezycom, there is no timesread field, but I have annexed
a reserved message attribute (in Squish, 0x00080000, now called
MSGSEEN; in Ezycom, extattr 0x80) for the purpose of marking a
message as read at least once. The other formats (PCBoard,
WildCat) have no timesread field, but they have reserved fields or
attributes which *could* be used. Let me know if you want this.
Specifies the directory where GoldED can find the Hudson msgbase
When the Hudson MSGTXT.BBS file exceeds this size, GoldED starts
to warn that the msgbase is getting dangerously close to the
structural limit (which is 16MB for the MSGTXT.BBS file). With
this keyword you can raise or lower the warning size in case you
think the default is too low or too high.
Specifies the directory where GoldED can find the NETMAIL.BBS and
ECHOMAIL.BBS files of the Hudson msgbase. If not specified, the
Specifies the lastread set used in the Hudson message base.
If set to yes then GoldEd ignores CHRS kludges in messages thus
you will be able to switch codepage in messages with inappropriate
IMPORTBEGIN ("=== Cut ===")
This keyword, together with IMPORTEND, defines some text to add in
the beginning and end of an imported text file in the internal
editor. If only IMPORTBEGIN is defined, the text is also used for
the IMPORTEND. The may be enclosed in quotes ("") if
leading or trailing spaces are needed. The quotes are stripped.
The replacement token "@file" can be used in the . It will
be replaced with the import filename as entered.
IMPORTBEGIN === Cut Begin: @file ===
IMPORTEND === Cut End ===
The inbound path is currently only used with the file request
feature (the READfilerequest command, ). If you use this
feature, GoldED will put the file descriptions into a FILES.BBS in
the inbound path, ready for when the requested files are moved to
the correct file areas.
You can define up to 50 different addressmasks to be included from
the compiled nodelists. This is only used in conjunction with the
EXCLUDENODES keyword to include otherwise EXcluded nodes. This
keyword is only used by GoldNODE.